Have you ever watched a race with anticipation, like the 100 yard dash in the Olympics? Or, have you ever run a race yourself with the intention to win? The preparations taken for elite athletes necessary for success on the track border on superhuman.
Each year in Athol, for the past 52 years there is what is called a River Rat Race. It’s a big to do for the towns of Athol and Orange. There’s a parade, a 5K run, and even a carnival that all take place. Then there’s the canoe race, the creme de la creme of the weekend.
The best canoeists get out on the water and have a practice regime that is disciplined. They take care of their bodies, with proper sleep, nutrition, and a mind set to excel.
Then of course there are the others that are there just to partake in the festivities. They just want to have a good time.
I remember a sermon series preached by Pastor Scott Jennings on running the race about 3-4 years ago. He would bring in his running shoes, plump them on the podium and teach. Some messages are transcendent. By this, I mean memorable, and impactful to my life. That sermon series was for me.
Let’s look at 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 JB Phillips translation:
24-25 Do you remember how, on a racing-track, every competitor runs, but only one wins the prize? Well, you ought to run with your minds fixed on winning the prize! Every competitor in athletic events goes into serious training. Athletes will take tremendous pains—for a fading crown of leaves. But our contest is for an eternal crown that will never fade.
26-27 I run the race then with determination. I am no shadow-boxer, I really fight! I am my body’s sternest master, for fear that when I have preached to others I should myself be disqualified.
Did you know the life we live can be considered a race? How should we run in it? From 1 Corinthians here is a outline:
- Have your mind fixed on winning the prize.
Many times I just go through life and go through the motions. Instead I need to fix my mind on winning the prize.
- Have a serious training regime.
I need to map out what I need to do to win the prize, then put an effort into doing it.
- Run with the right goals in mind.
It’s easy to get off on the wrong course. For what am I to run for? I need to be sure that the race I am running is the for the right reasons, and that I am in the right race.
- Be determined, and really strive to excel
After I’ve fixed my mind, mapped out what I need to do, and I’m sure I’m running for the right reasons, I need to be determined and really strive to excel.
- Be stern with the flesh.
You know, in the beginning there is excitement and anticipation for a new goal. But, after awhile this tends to slip and wane. I’ve found that you really need to be stern with yourself and your carnal desires.
Although not mentioned in the scripture above, it is also good to have a partner for accountability. There are going to be times when we want to give up. But, having a person sharing the same goals can help.
By applying the five points above, you will be on the way for success, and winning in life.
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