I’ve had many wonderful opportunities to preach and teach at my local Church. I love to preach the word of faith message. I have also had some tremendous experiences with faith.
I have seen a person healed with back issues. Another who was scheduled with for surgery healed. I myself have had wonderful experiences with healing.
However, here recently I seem to have hit a cog. My faith seems somewhat stymied. During a trip to Niagara Falls last year I began experiencing a tightness in my chest.
Towards the end of February, I went in to see the Doctor for what I thought was a bad cold, but it ended up being pnemonia. During that visit he ran some blood tests, and has subsequently put me on medication for diabetes. This is disconcerting to me.
As a stop gap, I recenctly made a lifestyle change. I switched to a whole foods, plant based diet. I made the change on January 1st, 2015. That’s one of the main reasons I was surprised to hear the Doctor’s concerns.
On top of that, there are some family issues that we are going through. And my house was just broken into and robbed. It seems that we are really going through it at the moment. Not fun.
I will stir my self up in the Lord. Encouraging myself and strengthening myself in Him and in His Word. Therefore, I’ve decided to do a deep dive in studying the life of Smith Wigglesworth. He was a strong proponent of believing in the Holy Spirit. He was also called the Apostle of Faith.
In the book “Greater Works” by Smith Wigglesworth, in the introduction some key points that caught my eyes were:
- The power that brought these kinds of results (miracles, healings, et. al.) was the presence of the Holy Spirit.
- His sole desire was that people would see Jesus and not himself.
- Several emphases in Smith’s life and ministry characterize him:
- He had a genuine, deep compassion for the unsaved and sick
- He had an unflinching belief in the Word of God.
- As mentioned earlier, he had a desire that Christ should increase and he should decrease (John 3:30).
- He had a belief that he was called to exhort people to enlarge their faith and trust in God.
- He placed an emphasis on the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit as in the early Church.
- He had a belief in complete healing for everyone of all sicknesses.
I intend to walk this journey of faith and blog about it. Relying on the Lord’s goodness and grace in my life.
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