Peace The World Cannot Give

Peace. It can seem to be fleeting. Why is that? In the fourteenth chapter of John, Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the comforter. Something Cho has said about the Holy Spirit is revealing:

“He is the comforter in that He will bring into our hearts a peace the world cannot give. The world only knows peace through the cessation of hostilities. The Holy Spirit brings peace irrespective of any circumstances.

Sense Knowledge -Vs- Revelation Knowledge

We have been bombarded with snow in the Northeast this winter haven’t we (2014 – 2015)? Many of my neighbors and I were out shoveling snow at the same time on many occasions. During the tail end of one of these storms, Steve (not his real name) said to me, “When you’re dead, you’re dead.”

Many natural people, have a world view based only on what they perceive with their physical senses. But is this all we’re limited to? Thankfully, no! In this world we have two types of knowledge.Sense knowledge – we contact the physical world with our bodies central nervous system and it’s physical senses:

When You’ve Angered Someone

argumentativeMy wife became angry with me here recently because of how badly I had reacted to what she was trying to tell me. The more time we spent discussing the situation, the more we felt unacknowledged, unheard, misunderstood, and angry. Ever felt that way in your relationships?

In this note, two tenants of our Christian walk will be discussed. They are fairly simple, follow the “Golden Rule” (treat others the way you want to be treated), and the “Love Walk” (loving others with the God kind of love). Although simple in its purest form, it can be quite difficult to master.

4 Steps That Will Help In Trying Times

Many years ago I worked for one of the toughest bosses that I had ever had. During that time I had a young family. The prospect of losing my job loomed as a bigger and bigger prospect with each coming day. I was bewildered and concerned. “What am I to do?” I would ask in great travail.

Each day during that situation things got worse and worse. I knew I was doing my best, but, my best was not good enough for my demanding boss. Those were tough times.

Welcome to My Blog



I welcome you to my blog. I am passionate about the things of God from a Pentecostal perspective. I will be posting 3 times a week or more on lessons I’ve learned, observations I’ve made, all in hopes of being an encouragement.

As I am just starting out, I do not have my full set of objectives in place just yet. I just know that I love to write and communicate on the Love of God. More to come.
