Have you ever had a life changing event? An incident that marked your life forever? I had such an event last year.
My family and I had gone on vacation to Niagara Falls at the end of summer in the year 2014. As we walked around and viewed the wonder and beauty of the falls, I noticed that I started having tightening in the chest. I felt no pain, just a tightening and being out of breath. It was alarming.
I didn’t want to concern my wife or my daughters, so I kept quiet about it while there. I just opted to keep my walking pace at a comfort level that I could sustain without causing attention to myself.
When I got back home from the falls, I decided to get on the treadmill to exercise. To my surprise walking at a pace of 2.4 miles an hour was a struggle. I had to get off for a breather! I was having shortness of breath, like no tomorrow.
A disclaimer here, if you haven’t exercised in awhile please consider seeing your Doctor before you do.
When I was younger I was relatively fit. I liked playing football, basketball, and I enjoyed riding bicycles. However, as I got older I became more sedentary as most people do when they age.
There were other factors that also attributed to weight gain that will be covered in my other posts. But for now suffice it to say that I was in relation to the BMI standards considered obese.
Since that time, I’ve made a couple of lifestyle changes. Through God’s providence I met people along the way that helped me get my bearings on where I was and where I needed to go. That old saying that when a student is ready the teacher will appear, is true here.
The changes that I needed to make came in a clear way that I could see, and grasp. I know that I still have a ways to go, but I do feel much better. Of course my wife is happier at the changes in fitness levels that I’ve since obtained.
But I ask you dear reader, if you are not already over weight or obese, why allow yourself to get into that state? It is better to keep your fitness while you have it, rather than try and regain it.
However, if you are overweight and/or obese, you can change. It is not something to be discouraged about. There is always hope in God. Turn to Him, and you might find yourself pleasantly surprised at who and what appears in your life to point you in the direction you should go. You have to do the work though.
I know that the Lord has always been good to me, pointing and leading the way (when I’ve listened). He will be good to you too, for He is no respecter of persons! Hallelujah!
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