Olympic’s and Racial Change

"Sport Has the Power to Change the World"

Sports power to change and unite a nation, or community of nations for the better is notable. Nelson Mandela has said:

Sport has the power to change the world … It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers.


Let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].

Colossians 3:15 AMP


Image courtesy of Vectorolie at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Can you walk in a peaceful state of mind when everything appears to be exploding in negativity around you? When perhaps your family life appears as if it’s in utter chaos, and your work life seems to be full of negative drama and toxicity?

Mind Controls Matter

God has created us as thinking beings. We are always thinking. At times it might seem like we have no choices in the way that we think, for our minds always seem to be running a dialog with associated feelings. Even in our sleep, our subconscious mind works to sort the days activities out.

Brain With Gears

Image courtesy of Master Isolated Images at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

During our thinking process, genetic expression is taking place in the brain. These thoughts we think occupy mental real estate within our brains in the form of proteins which are formed by our thinking. 

Switch Your Brain On With Hope

Linked Science Concept: Thoughts are real, physical things that occupy mental real estate. Moment by moment, every day, you are changing the structure of your brain through your thinking. When we hope, it is an activity of the mind that changes the structure of our brain in a positive and normal direction.


Image courtesy of Renjith Krishnan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Scientists at one point in time,  thought that our brain capacity was fixed. That we were hardwired, and that if anything were to happen to our brains either by injury, drugs, or some other catastrophic event, that it would be incurable, irreversible, and untreatable.

Will It Be The Blue Pill Or The Red Pill?

What would you do if there was a switch that can be activated that would allow you to excel to levels of peak happiness, thinking, and health? Would you flick the switch on? Or, if there was a pill, would you select it and swallow it?

A little jaunt down a rabbit hole here, the pill question reminded me of the scene in the 1999 movie the Matrix. In the youtube video you see Morpheus giving Neo a choice.

Impossible Barriers

The Holy Grail!

Prior to the summer of 1954, urban legend has it that scientists and other experts stated, that a running a mile in under four minutes was impossible. It had been said that this was track and field’s most famous barrier, the holy grail.

Watch the barrier fall by clicking on this link:  

On May 6, 1954 at Oxford’s Iffley Road Track, in England, a 25 year old named Roger Bannister broke through track and field’s most famous barrier. He had done the impossible!

The Method of Loci

I was meditating on memory techniques. I’ve been studying a book entitled “Switch On Your Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf. I feel compelled to master the concepts in the book. I was reading and re-reading the Prologue and 1st chapter carefully but, the concepts were not sticking.

About a year ago I learned of the Memory Palace or the Method of Loci in a TED Talk given by Josh Foer as a memory technique. I subsequently bought Josh’s informative book entitled “Moonwalking With Einstein” and enjoyed it.


After a long absence from blogging, I’ve decided to start back up. There were a couple of things that affected my decision to hold off for a bit.

  1. I was struggling with my concepts of faith in my precious Lord Jesus Christ, and the topic matter in which I was writing at the time. I felt I needed time to reset.
  2. I was having excruciating hip pain. At first I had no idea as to why. It hurt to sit. I could not sit for prolonged periods of time. From a scale of 1–10 with 10 being the most pain, I was at a 7 or 8. So sitting to blog exacerbated the pain.I didn’t want to take pain medication, so I did my best to deal with it. My hip is now getting better. I’ve corrected the issue by my confessions of faith in Christ as my healer, exercise, stretching, and I purchased an ergonomic desk chair. I also make sure I get up frequently and move around.

Choose Which Tree

Science has proved that our brains can be rewired by the way that we think. That we’re not chained to our environment or DNA holding us trapped in a way of thinking that may be detrimental to our way of life.

Our brains have a neuroplasticity, meaning that they can change. We are not stuck in a rut, unless we choose to be. We can change our thoughts, thus changing the architecture of the brain, and the outcome of our life.

The Race

Have you ever watched a race with anticipation, like the 100 yard dash in the  Olympics? Or, have you ever run a race yourself with the intention to win? The preparations taken for elite athletes necessary for success on the track border on superhuman.

Each year in Athol, for the past 52 years there is what is called a River Rat Race. It’s a big to do for the towns of Athol and Orange. There’s a parade, a 5K run, and even a carnival that all take place. Then there’s the canoe race, the creme de la creme of the weekend.