Bible faith is an exciting subject. In and of itself it can be elusive it seems. But as we continue to walk and be intentional, my understanding is, we can master it.
Smith Wigglesworth has this to say about faith:
What it means for people to have faith! What it will mean when we all have faith! We know that as soon as faith is in perfect operation, we will be in the perfect place where God is manifested right before our eyes.
The pure in heart will see God (Matt. 5:8), and all the steps of purity are a divine appointment of more faith. The more purity, the more faith.
Over and over we read Jesus in the scriptures telling recipients of healings that it was by his or her faith they were healed. Their faith had risen to such a level that they were able to receive and leave rejoicing in the goodness of the Lord.
There was one incident though where the people around had lost their confidence and all faith. The Master does something interesting in that incident, Jesus turned to His Father in prayer and said, “Father, …. I know that You always hear me” (John 11:41-42).
The incident I am referring to is when Lazarus had died. Mary, Martha, and all those with them were in mourning and grieving his loss. The idea of resurrection from the dead had not entered into their mind set as a possibility.
Miracles and healings they had seen. That’s why they sent someone to Jesus to inform Him that Lazarus, whom Jesus loved, was very sick. They had hope and faith that if Jesus got there on time, Lazarus would surely rise up well.
Jesus, knowing the situation choose to wait. He could only do that which He saw His Father do. He was not being led at the time to see Lazarus. When Lazarus had expired, all hope, faith, and expectancy was sucked out Mary, Martha, and the other’s there with them.
It can be heart rendering when things don’t work out as you wish. Mary and Martha so had their hearts on Jesus being there before Lazarus expired. “Where is He? Why is it taking so long for Him to get here? Surely He will come on time.” Were probably some of the thoughts they had.
They had seen Him “send forth His Word” to heal in the past as well (the story of the Centurion in Matt. 8). Perhaps they had hope in that happening for their beloved. But, no it did not happen. Lazarus died.
When Jesus came, He did not find faith. Why because they had never seen this type of thing happen. So the concept did not enter their minds.
Jesus had mentioned in John 11, that He was glad that He did not get there on time, that they might believe. Sometimes I find this hard to chew upon. I mean we all want to see God manifest His healing, miraculous power. But our faith has a lot to do with it.
Smith was one who was able to walk in the realm of faith. He saw the dead raised in his ministry. He saw limbs grow back. He saw healings in his ministry. I think that we have to be intentional in our faith.
I’m encouraged by the story of Lazarus and by the story of Smith. I mean, if it was just Jesus who walked in the power of the Holy Spirit, then one could say “well that was Jesus, those miracles passed when all the Apostles died.” But, Smith was able to walk in the promises. There were four principles that Smith lived by:
- First, read the Word of God.
- Second, consume the Word of God until it consumes you.
- Third believe the Word of God.
- Fourth, act on the Word.
I for one will be intentional in applying these principles. It is my hope and faith that these principles still apply to us today.
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